Not that I'm asking you to leave, but here's a few sites I find of interest around Ye Olde Interwebbe:
It's pretty hard to be an Oil fan these days, but I've been a fan since Fuhrsy wore the jersey, and I guess I always will be.
A great webcam with a view of beautiful Vancouver and the ocean.

BC Lions
I'm a huge CFL fan. I'll watch any game, no matter which team is playing. That said, the Lions are my team!

Here's some links to some tunes I'm digging:
Shiftkit (MySpace)
Oddly enough, I went to elementary school (oh my) with the lead singer of this band. Really dig their sound - straight up rock. Still odd to think of Leon as a rock star though!

Drive Faster (MySpace)
Okay, so I'm a groupie - but c'mon, Angela's hawwwt. AND, the girl can SING! I miss her, ever since she moved to Toronto to pursue the dream. They sound a bit like Foo Fighters or Incubus, but with a (hawwwt) female lead singer.

Armchair Cynics (MySpace)
I'm a big fan of this Victoria-based group. "Bang" has been one of my favourite tunes since the first time I heard it. "Surprise Ending" is also a great, emotionally charged song.

Art of Dying (MySpace)
Vancouver-based rock group (anyone detecting a pattern here?), I heard them first a few years ago on CFOX (my favourite radio station) and have been a fan ever since. Was able to catch them live in early 2007 and was really impressed.
"I worked with Jason Toma for 4 years, in that time I have known him to be nothing but professional with a keen eye for design.

If there was a timeline that needed to be met, he was the first to stay late and work extra diligently to see that the timeline was adhered to and the given task completed.

Jason has a vast knowledge of design and design concepts, which makes it easy to bring a concept to fruition.

Jason is an asset to any project that he works."

  - Chris Hollingsworth,
Project Coordinator
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